Cardiff Ardwyn Singers are offering a choral scholarship of £750 for a Bass or Baritone voice for 12 months starting September 2024.
The ideal candidate is likely, although not necessarily, to be at the beginning of their singing career and interested in contributing to the artistic goals of the choir, whilst participating in the friendly community of the ensemble.
The successful scholarship recipient will receive singing, conducting and choral coaching across the year from the Music Director, as well as ongoing support from the Bass section and the Chair of the choir.
For the right candidate there may be opportunities to lead occasional sectional rehearsals and, if appropriate, to sing step-out solos as part of the choir’s concert performances.
How to apply
Please complete this application form by Tuesday 24th September 2024.
The successful candidate will be invited to audition with the Music Director before the scholarship is confirmed. If you would like to come and sing with the choir beforehand to get to know us better, you’d be most welcome!
Please contact the Music Director to arrange:
Selection criteria:
A bass/ baritone voice
Someone who is looking to improve their choral singing experience and broaden their singing abilities
Preference will be given to someone at the start of their choral singing journey, but this is not essential
Someone who is willing to commit to the choir’s ethos to strive for excellence and be part of our choral family. An in-person audition will form part of the decision-making process for this bursary
Terms and Conditions
The scholarship is valued at £750 and will be distributed at £250 per term additionally the choir’s annual membership subscription (currently £180) will not be charged
The scholarship will be paid directly to the successful candidate’s preferred bank account in 3 instalments during the winter, spring and summer terms
The choir rehearses on Sunday evenings in Grangetown, Cardiff from 7-9pm with additional rehearsals before concerts and performs up to six concerts each year
The concert schedule for 2024 is available from Mandy Webb, the choir’s secretary:
The successful applicant is expected to adhere to the expectations stated in the choir handbook
The successful applicant is expected: To attend Sunday evening rehearsals throughout the season as well as ad hoc rehearsals - To learn the repertoire to performance standard - To equip themselves with any specified performance wardrobe which is not provided by the choir
It is expected that the scholarship recipient will strive to attend 100% of rehearsals and performances. The only acceptable reasons for absence, which should not amount to more than 20% of total choir commitments in any term are: holidays - unavoidable work commitments - illness
Absence from any rehearsal must be relayed to your section representative in advance
Absence from concerts must be agreed with the Music Director in advance
If the successful applicant needs to withdraw from the choir for any reason, then they are not expected to pay back any monies received and will not receive any outstanding instalments
All applications will be considered by a panel comprising the Music Director and Chair. The panel’s decision is final, and there is no right of appeal
Applicants will hear about the outcome of the application after 24th September 2024. Auditions will be held on 28th September 2024